'Jumpy Bud' is a mini-project I created in 2023 to explore smartphone motion data in a fun and engaging way. This retro-style mobile videogame challenges players to tilt and move their devices with precision, guiding a square character through an increasingly difficult obstacle course filled with cars, trucks, tunnels, and bridges. You can download it from the App Store here.
'Jumpy Bud' uses the phone's accelerometer and gyroscope to translate device motion into character actions. To reduce noise and ensure smooth gameplay, it employs filtering methods such as high-pass filters, Kalman filters, and complementary filters (gyro-accelerometer). These techniques allow the game to ignore background motion—like when players are in a moving car or train—and respond only to distinct wrist motion cues.
Developing this game allowed me to get comfortable leveraging IMU data from smart devices for various purposes, something I have used in several other user interaction projects, like Gestura, TouchNav, or Interactive Paper.
Try it out!
You can check out 'Jumpy Bud' on the App Store and explore this motion-based arcade experience for yourself!